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Poly MVA is a uniquely formulated combination of minerals, vitamins and amino acids designed to support cellular energy production and promote overall health. The physicians at Sunridge Medical find it is a very important component in the treatment of mitochondrial dysfunction, which is at the root of most cancers. With over 15 years of clinical laboratory research and testing, Poly-MVA is a revolutionary product based on patented lipoic acid-palladium complexes (LAPd).

IV Alternative Treatment at Sunridge Medical

Poly MVA Benefits

Poly- MVA is the first treatment from the new field of electro genetics, which studies and describes the energy requirements, energy exchanges and electrical communication responsible for DNA signaling and communication in our cells. While an in-depth explanation involves interactions that bridge the fields of chemistry, physics and biology, the mechanism of Poly-MVA can be explained in more common physiological terms.

Poly-MVA maintains and enhances the function of mitochondria, the main source of energy within cells. Poly-MVA not only protects healthy cells using aerobic respiration from damage but also enhances their function and action. The clinical effects of Poly-MVA is part of our Cancer Care and has been proven successful treatment in laboratory studies with countless patients, as well as in doctor’s clinics and hospitals nationwide.

Poly MVA Benefits

Poly- MVA is the first treatment from the new field of electro genetics, which studies and describes the energy requirements, energy exchanges and electrical communication responsible for DNA signaling and communication in our cells. While an in-depth explanation involves interactions that bridge the fields of chemistry, physics and biology, the mechanism of Poly-MVA can be explained in more common physiological terms.

Poly-MVA maintains and enhances the function of mitochondria, the main source of energy within cells. Poly-MVA not only protects healthy cells using aerobic respiration from damage but also enhances their function and action. The clinical effects of Poly-MVA is part of our Cancer Care and has been proven successful treatment in laboratory studies with countless patients, as well as in doctor’s clinics and hospitals nationwide.

Research on Poly MVA

Lieberman, Shari and Forsythe, James W.Poly MVA for Treating Non–Small-Cell Lung Cancer: A Case Study of an Integrative Approach, Alternative and Complementary Therapies 2 77-80 2006 ,10.1089/act.2006.12.77 We investigated the dietary supplement Poly MVA as an integrative treatment for a patient diagnosed with advanced stage 4 non–small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Despite multidrug resistance, the patient continued to have a good quality of life and did well on a performance scale score. The addition of Poly MVA to her therapeutic protocol may have allowed her to feel well despite clinical failure as evidenced by rising tumor markers. Approximately 2 years after diagnosis she responded to an older chemotherapeutic regimen of 5′–fluorouracil (5FU) and mitomycin-C while taking Poly MVA.

She had an excellent clinical response as confirmed by significant clinical improvement on a computed tomography scan. Her last tumor marker levels were significantly decreased, with her carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) level slightly elevated at 5.5 (normal is < 3.1 ng/mL) and her CA 19-9 normal at 16.7 (normal is < 30 µ/mL). She continues to have a good quality of life, does well on the performance scale, feels well, and remains on Poly MVA. After providing background on NSCLC and pharmaceuticals and on Poly MVA, we describe the patient’s treatment with this supplement and her response to it.

Menon, Aditya and Krishnan, Chirakkal V. and Nair, Cherupally Krishnan Krishnan, Protection from gamma-radiation insult to antioxidant defense and cellular DNA by POLY MVA, a dietary supplement containing palladium-lipoic acid formulation, journal = International Journal of Low Radiation 6 ,3 248-262 2009,10.1504/IJLR.2009.028892 Whole-body exposure to gamma radiation was found to result in damage to cellular DNA and lowering of antioxidant levels in various tissues. Administration of POLY MVA, a palladium-lipoic acid formulation, for seven days prior to whole-body gamma radiation significantly reduced the damage to cellular DNA in bone marrow and blood leukocytes, as well as preventing the radiation-induced lowering of tissue antioxidant levels.doi:10.1089/act.2005.11.203,Lieberman, Shari and Forsythe, James W.,

Poly MVA for Treating Prostate Cancer: A Report on Three Cases, Alternative and Complementary Therapies,11,4,203- 07,2005,10.1089/act.2005.11.203, PMID:15750382, Regulation of ischemic cell death by the lipoic acid–palladium complex, Poly MVA, in gerbils, Experimental Neurology,189,1, 10-15,2004,2014-488, Francis J. Antonawich and Susan M. Fiore and Lauren M. Welicky,Poly MVA, DNA Reductase, Hippocampus, CA1, Transient ischemia, Modulation of ischemic cell death can be accomplished via a multitude of mechanisms, such as quenching radical species, providing alternative energy sources, or altering glutamate excitation. Transient cerebral ischemia will induce apoptotic cell death selectively to hippocampal cornus ammon’s field 1 of the hippocampus (CA1) pyramidal cells, while neighboring CA3 and dentate neurons are spared.

Poly MVA is a dietary supplement based on the nontoxic chemotherapeutic lipoic acid–palladium complex (LAPd). LAPd is a liquid crystal that works in cancer cells by transferring excess electrons from membrane fatty acids to DNA via the mitochondria. Therefore, by its structural nature and action as a redox shuttle, it can both quench radicals as well as provide energy to the mitochondria.
To understand the role of LAPd in regulating ischemic cell death, we studied Poly MVA. Male Mongolian gerbils were subjected to 5 min of bilateral carotid artery occlusion under a controlled temperature environment (37.0–38.0°C). Animals were injected with physiological saline or either 30, 50, or 70 mg/kg of Poly MVA every 24 h beginning immediately after the occlusion until being sacrificed on experimental day 4. Damage was evaluated by analyzing nesting behavior and conducting blinded measures of viable CA1 lengths.
All Poly MVA treatment dosages significantly (p < 0.05) reduced hippocampal CA1 damage by 72 h. Nesting scores were significantly improved after 30 and 50 mg/kg treatment but not 70 mg/kg. While nesting is usually a very accurate indicator of morphological damage, the 70 mg/kg-treated animals demonstrated excessive energy, thus ignoring the nesting material. While numerous routes offer varying degrees of CA1 neuronal survival after transient global ischemia, only the LAPd complex, which quenches radicals and provides energy to stabilize the mitochondria, offers such significant protection. Thus, the administration of Poly MVA may be a potent neuroprotective agent for victims of transient ischemic attack (TIA), cardiac arrest, anesthetic accidents, or drowning.

Poly MVA Enhance Radiation Therapy

Veena RK, Ajith TA, Janardhanan KK, Antonawich F. Antitumor Effects of Palladium-α-Lipoic Acid Complex Formulation as an Adjunct in Radiotherapy. J Environ Pathol Toxicol Oncol. 2016;35(4):333-342. doi: 10.1615/JEnvironPatholToxicolOncol. 2016016640. PMID: 27992313.
Several investigations have been initiated to enhance the antitumor effect of radiation and ameliorate its adverse effects such as reducing blood cell counts and causing DNA damage in normal cells. Compounds that enhance the antitumor activity of radiation without reducing blood cell counts or damaging DNA in normal cells can be of immense use as an adjunct in radiotherapy. We evaluated the antitumor effect of a specific set of minerals, vitamins, and amino acids (Poly-MVA) (2 mL/kg, per os), with and without radiation, against Dalton’s lymphoma ascites (DLA) and Ehrlich’s ascites carcinoma (EAC) cell lines that were transplanted in a solid-tumor model. Whole-body γ-radiation exposure (2 Gy) was performed using 60Co.

Poly-MVA enhanced the antitumor effect of radiation when administered beforehand. Furthermore, Poly-MVA administered once daily for 2 weeks, immediately after 4 Gy irradiation, protected DNA damage in peripheral blood. It also rendered protection against the radiation-induced reduction of platelet count.

The unique electronic and redox properties of the palladium-α-lipoic acid complex in Poly-MVA appear to be responsible for the exhibited effect. The results conclude that the antitumor-enhancing and normal cell-protective effect of Poly-MVA warrants additional studies for its potential clinical application.

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