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Hormone Replacement and Balancing Hormones

Maybe your hormones are out of balance. As we age, our bodies decrease the production of certain key hormones such as estradiol and estriol (types of estrogens), progesterone, testosterone, DHEA, and others. Optimal levels of female sex hormones are important to help ward off symptoms of menopause, including hot flashes and vaginal dryness. High levels of progesterone have been shown to enhance mood and increase overall feelings of calm and well-being. In addition, DHEA has been implicated in memory improvement, a strengthened immune system, increased energy, and even the reduction of body fat.
Testosterone levels begin to decline in both men and women as we age, and an important factor named sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) can malfunction.  Even when hormone levels are normal, if sex hormone-binding globulin is low, hormones are unable to work properly.  

Certain conditions result from low levels of SHBG including hypothyroidism, Type 2 Diabetes, Cushing’s disease, Polycystic Ovarian syndrome (PCOS), and testicular cancer.

High levels of sex hormone globulin levels can result in hyperthyroidism, Addison’s disease and pituitary issues.  Additionally, imbalances between testosterone and sex hormone binding globulin can result in hypogonadism and androgen deficiency. 

Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) replenishes the hormones your body no longer produces. At Sunridge Medical, we utilize Bio-identical Hormone Replacement Therapy.

What is Bio identical Hormone Replacement Therapy?

Hormone Replacement at Sunridge MedicalBio identical Hormone Replacement Therapy  differs from traditional synthetic HRTs in a number of ways. Synthetic HRTs are made from chemical substitutes foreign to the human body, whereas bio identical hormone replacement therapies

 are comprised of natural hormones derived from plants and are identical in every way (hence the term ‘bio-identical’) to the hormones produced by the human body. Additionally, synthetic HRTs only come in a ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach whereas bio-identical HRTs are geared towards each individual patient.

Your Personal Hormone Replacement Program

Each individual patient entering the doors of Sunridge Medical is unique and each bio-identical HRT treatment program we develop is also unique.  We individually customize hormones for each patient.  This involves a proprietary combination of naturopathic medicine and traditional medicine.

Prior to commencing treatment, you will meet with a Sunridge Medical physician, one-on-one to thoroughly discuss your symptoms and review your medical history. This initial appointment may run as long as two hours. Afterward, a few tests will be performed, results analyzed and reviewed, and bio-identical hormone treatment will be tailored specifically to help you achieve your highest level of wellness.

References on Hormone Replacement

Vigesaa KA, Downhour NP, Chui MA, Cappellini L, Musil JD, McCallian DJ. Efficacy and tolerability of compounded bioidentical hormone replacement therapy. Int J Pharm Compd. 2004 Jul-Aug;8(4):313-9. PMID: 23924704.

Abstract: The primary purpose of this six-week survey study of women currently taking compounded bioidentical hormone replacement therapy was to determine if compounded bioidentical hormone replacement therapy relieves symptoms of menopause and is well tolerated. The secondary purpose of this study was to compare the symptom relief and tolerability of compounded bioidentical hormone replacement therapy to previously used commercially available products. 

All strengths and dosage forms of bi-estrogen and tri-estrogen were included, whether used alone or in combination with progesterone, dehydroepiandrosterone or testosterone. The survey instrument consisted of nineteen questions and evaluated the outcomes and side effects for commercially available versus compounded bioidentical hormones.

A total of 160 surveys was distributed and 78 were completed. Overall, 57.7% of the women surveyed reported fewer side effects and 71.8% of the women had better relief of menopausal symptoms when using bioidentical hormone replacement therapy. The occurrence and severity of menopausal symptoms decreased significantly after beginning bioidentical hormone replacement therapy. Before treatment, moderate-to-severe symptoms of hot flashes, night sweats, sleep problems, dry skin/hair, vaginal dryness, foggy thinking, mood swings and decrease in sex drive were reported in 52 % to 70% of the women.

After initiating treatment the moderate-to-severe range of symptoms dropped to between 4% and 20%. The most commonly reported side effects with bioidentical hormone replacement therapy were weight gain (37.2%), breast tenderness (19.2%) and bloating (23.1%). Weight gain (56.2%), breast tenderness (54.5%), bloating (40%) and mood swings (36.4%) were most commonly seen with commercially available products. Bioidentical hormone replacement relieved the symptoms of menopause and was well tolerated.


For answers and to make an appointment, call toll-free  800-923-7878 to speak with our Patient Care Team.
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Scottdale, Arizona 85260

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