Heavy Metal Detoxification
At Sunridge Medical, our medical professionals understand that heavy metal/environmental toxicity can result in a range of symptoms and illnesses. Heavy Metal testing through magnetic or blood testing is how to test for heavy metals in the body. To address the issue of heavy metal removal, we employ the latest chelation therapies to help detoxify your body from these potentially damaging materials. Our safe and effective treatments can help remove excess metals from your system to reduce or eliminate any negative effects they may be having on your health including heavy metal poisoning.
Our experienced team is committed to providing you with personalized care tailored to fit your heavy metal detoxification needs. We take into consideration all factors related to your health before recommending an appropriate treatment plan. This includes evaluating lifestyle choices and environmental factors that could be affecting your well-being. Detoxification sessions are designed to provide maximum benefit while minimizing discomfort for our patients throughout the entire process.

At Sunridge Medical, we believe in providing quality health care and a positive experience to all who come through our doors. Our heavy metal detoxification program is second to none, ensuring that you can enjoy complete peace of mind as the toxins are removed from your body. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you achieve optimal wellness with chelation therapy.
Heavy metal is a combination of several different elements, including lead, zinc, iron and nickel.
The Elements of Heavy Metal
Heavy metal toxicity is a combination of several different elements, including lead, zinc, iron and nickel. Lead is the most commonly found element in heavy metal and has been used since ancient times to form alloys for tools, weapons and decorative items. Zinc can be added to increase hardness while iron provides strength. Nickel is also used to improve resistance to corrosion. In addition to these elements, heavy metal may also include traces of cadmium, antimony and cobalt.
These metals are found in a variety of products from electronics to industrial machinery and contribute to the overall strength and durability of the material. Heavy metals can be hazardous if ingested or inhaled in large quantities, so proper protective equipment must be worn when working with them.
Additionally, it is important to note that there are certain types of heavy metals which are toxic and should never be handled without extreme caution. Along with lead is included mercury, arsenic, cadmium and beryllium. Exposure to these substances may cause severe health problems, and in some cases can even be fatal. It is important to use appropriate protective gear when handling these substances, as well as disposing of them properly.
References on Heavy Metal Detoxification
Review Article Front. Pharmacol., 13 April 2021 Sec. Predictive Toxicology; Toxic Mechanisms of Five Heavy Metals: Mercury, Lead, Chromium, Cadmium, and Arsenic.
The industrial activities of the last century have caused massive increases in human exposure to heavy metals. Mercury, lead, chromium, cadmium, and arsenic have been the most common heavy metals that induced human poisonings. Here, we reviewed the mechanistic action of these heavy metals according to the available animal and human studies.
Acute or chronic poisonings may occur following exposure to water, air, and food. Bioaccumulation of these heavy metals leads to a diversity of toxic effects on a variety of body tissues and organs.
Heavy metals disrupt cellular events including growth, proliferation, differentiation, damage-repairing processes, and apoptosis. A comparison of the mechanisms of action reveals similar pathways for these metals to induce toxicity including ROS generation, weakening of the antioxidant defense, enzyme inactivation, and oxidative stress. On the other hand, some have selective binding to specific macromolecules. The interaction of lead with aminolevulinic acid dehydratase and ferrochelatase is within this context.
Reactions of other heavy metals with certain proteins were discussed as well. Some toxic metals including chromium, cadmium, and arsenic cause genomic instability. Defects in DNA repair following the induction of oxidative stress and DNA damage by the three metals have been considered as the cause of their carcinogenicity. Even with the current knowledge of the hazards of heavy metals, the incidence of poisoning remains considerable and requires preventive and effective treatment.
The application of chelation therapy for the management of metal poisoning could be another aspect of heavy metals to be reviewed in the future.
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