Bladder Cancer Treatment Options
Cancer patients seek alternative Bladder cancer care at every stage of their cancer journey. Some at the beginning, immediately following a Bladder cancer diagnosis, and some who have exhausted all conventional therapies of chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery. For almost twenty years, Sunridge Medical has treated patients with all types and stages of cancer including Stage 4 Bladder Cancer and Metastatic Bladder Cancer.
The Sunridge Approach to Cancer
At Sunridge Medical we offer a comprehensive cancer treatment aimed at attacking the tumor and restoring the body’s natural defense and regulatory mechanisms, including the immune system and detoxification pathways.
When cancer cells form in a body with a healthy immune system, they are identified and destroyed before they become tumors by the body’s natural defense mechanism. Restoration of the natural defense system should be an important part of the cancer care fight and be a part of successful, long-term recovery. Cancer is a complex disease that requires a serious approach. At Sunridge identifying all the factors which led up to the cancer diagnosis allows us to build a detailed battle plan to eradicate cancer and restore the body to optimum health.
Bladder Cancer – A Second Opinion
We are ok being second if we are the second opinion after a Bladder cancer diagnosis. Alternative Bladder cancer treatment can be considered a second choice when all other treatments have failed. It is true that Sunridge can help even if all other conventional treatments have failed and we are a last resort, but when Sunridge Medical is the second opinion at the beginning of a healing journey, we have an impressive impact on the cancer outcome.
We look at cancer differently than the traditional oncologist who sees cancer as treating it traditionally with surgery, chemo, and radiation. Although sometimes traditional bladder cancer treatment can be effective for an abbreviated time, it does not always eradicate cancer and stop its reappearance.
Naturopathic Oncology and Integrative Oncology
Patients receive care by more than just our doctors; Sunridge has an integrated cancer care team with access to an arsenal of treatments that gives us the confidence to treat all stages and forms of Bladder cancer.
Combined as the Sunridge approach, this methodology makes our treatments powerful in the eradication of cancer. We use the most current research for cancer therapy treatments along with modalities that have a solid history of success. We offer our own state-of-the-art laboratory testing at Sunridge Medical along with our compounding and specialty pharmacy for individualized bladder cancer treatment plans that meet all our patients’ needs.
Standard of Care
Sunridge Medical physicians welcome working with a patient’s conventional physician. Additionally, we have an incredible network of some of the best-in-their-class surgeons and radiologists that can support any health protocol a patient chooses.
The Effects of Chemotherapy and Natural Chemicals
Chemotherapy is like pouring weed killer on a garden. The flowers get as damaged and die right along with the weeds, but then even more resistant weeds find their way to the surface. Chemotherapy attacks every cell in the body. Hair cells stop their ability to- hold onto the hair follicle in many chemo treatments because the chemo has attacked a healthy cell. Neuropathy is induced because the chemo attacks healthy nerve cells. Organs such as the heart and kidneys, and even bones can be permanently damaged because chemotherapy for bladder cancer treatment indiscriminately attacks healthy cells and cancer cells.
Treatment With Natural Chemicals
Contrary to Chemo, several natural chemicals can create a specifically programmed cell death (apoptosis) of bladder cancer cells by penetrating the cancer cell membrane. Apoptosis attaches a genetic message for a cell to self-destruct. There is an exhaustive list of morphing substances found in nature which can have this miraculous effect, especially when delivered directly into the bloodstream intravenously. It would not be fair to say that alternative cancer therapy is without side effects, but those effects in no way rank in the same caustic category of chemo.
Four Main Types of Bladder Cancer
- Transitional Cell Carcinoma
- Squamous Cell Carcinoma
- Adenocarcinoma
- Papillary
Hear From Our Patients
References on Bladder Cancer
For answers and to make an appointment, call toll-free 800-923-7878 to speak with our Patient Care Team.
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