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Prostate Cancer Treatment Options

According to the American Cancer Society, prostate cancer is the most common male cancer in the United States with an estimated 240,000 new cases per year. It affects men who on average are 70 years old and upward. The slow developing nature of the cancer can mean that patients put off treatment for as long as possible. Prostate cancer often progresses slowly and may cause no symptoms and can result in treatment being delayed. However, some individuals develop extremely aggressive cancer and there is a high probability of metastasis and spreading to bones of the pelvis, ribs and vertebra.
Regardless of the diagnosis, patients should not be waste time in obtaining the appropriate cancer treatment and seeking a second opinion. Speak to urologists, oncologist, and research all treatment options. Be sure to ask a lot of questions as cancer therapy for prostate cancer has breakthroughs in treatments. Currently, the standard of care for prostate cancer is surgery, radiation, and brachytherapy. If the cancer has spread, chemotherapy and hormone-blocking medications are typically prescribed. Sunridge Medical offers second opinions and alternative prostate cancer treatment.
Our highly-trained physicians are experts in providing an integrated approach to the alternative treatment of prostate cancer. Our treatment plans are individualized, even for patients with the same type of cancer, and involve both traditional and alternative medicines. We have integrated advanced, research-based alternative medicines with conventional therapies into a comprehensive, individualized treatment program that offers patients optimal success.

Prostate Cancer Treatment at sunridge medicalOur physicians have found that symptoms can frequently be improved and even reversed with our natural alternative prostate cancer treatments. We take a holistic approach to patient care and strive to not only treat the cancer, but also alleviate symptoms, increase quality of life and most importantly, address the underlying cause of the disease.

Even if standard treatments have reached their limits, patients with prostate cancer still have treatment options.

Alternative Prostate Cancer Treatment

Providing alternative Prostate Cancer treatment is an integrated approach at Sunridge Medical. Our treatment plans are individualized, even for patients with the same type of cancer, and combine traditional and alternative medicines. We have merged advanced, research-based alternative medicines with conventional therapies into a comprehensive, individualized treatment program that offers our patients optimal success.

Revolutionizing Alternative Prostate Cancer Treatment

Our physicians have found that symptoms can frequently be improved and reversed with our alternative Prostate treatments. We take a holistic approach to patient care and strive to not only treat the cancer, but also alleviate symptoms, increase quality of life and most importantly, address the underlying cause of the disease. Even if standard treatments have reached their limits, patients with Prostate Cancer still have treatment options.

The Sunridge Approach to Prostate Cancer Treatment

The Sunridge approach to Prostate Cancer treatment is to study the whole body, investigate the underlying cause of the cancer, concur with the diagnosis and discover how the cancer manifested. Then we establish the overall wellness of the patient and their ability to respond to treatments. Based on these findings we deliver the best cancer treatment to stop the cancer and stave off additional disease. Our combination of conventional and alternative Prostate Cancer treatments provides patients with the most successful approach to treatment focused on preserving bladder continence. Our cancer plan is aimed at attacking the cancer, and restoring the body’s natural defense and regulatory mechanisms including the immune system and detoxification pathways. More importantly our strategy includes balancing hormones, cleaning up the gut and maintaining wellness to prevent cancer reoccurrence by building back what was missing in the body when illness was first detected.
Successful cancer treatment is not a “one size fits all” approach so substantial time is spent with each patient to learn more about the details surrounding their illness as this is a necessary component to developing the right treatment. Immune therapy and restoration of the natural defense system is an important part of the cancer treatment otherwise a successful, long-term recovery, from prostate cancer is difficult to achieve. When cancer cells form in a body with a healthy immune system, they are identified and destroyed before they become tumors by the body’s natural defense mechanism. Restoration of the natural defense system should be an important part of the cancer care fight and be a part of successful, long-term recovery. Cancer is a complex disease that requires a serious approach. At Sunridge identifying all the factors which led up to the cancer diagnosis allows us to build a detailed battle plan to eradicate cancer and restore the body to optimum health.

Prostate Cancer – A Second Opinion

Wonder what is the preferred treatment for prostate cancer? Let us review the options and offer a second opinion after a Prostate diagnosis. Alternative Prostate treatment can be an option for some when all other treatments have failed. Our hope is to meet patients to offer them a second opinion and not just last resort options. We can help even when all other conventional treatments have failed, and we are a last call. However, when Sunridge Medical is the second opinion at the beginning of a healing journey, we have an impressive impact on the outcome of cancer.

We look at cancer differently than the traditional oncologists who only sees cancer as treating it traditionally with surgery, chemo, and radiation. Although sometimes that traditional treatment can be effective for an abbreviated time, it does not always eradicate cancer and stop its reappearance. We seek out permanent eradication of cancer.

Prostate Treatment Options

Cancer Care patients seek alternative Prostate Cancer treatment at every stage of their cancer journey. Some at the beginning, during or immediately following a Prostate Cancer diagnosis and when all conventional treatments have been exhausted. For over fifteen years, Sunridge Medical has treated patients with all types and stages of Prostate Cancer including Stage 4 Prostate and metastatic Prostate Cancer. This devastating cancer diagnosis becomes rather clinical quickly when treatment options are offered including conventional and alternative Prostate treatments. Since often Prostate Cancer is not discovered until it is in Stage 4, no one Prostate Cancer treatment plan is the same.

Standard of Care for Prostate Cancer Treatment

The “Standard of Care” in Prostate Cancer is surgery, radiation, and brachytherapy. Many patients diagnosed with Prostate Cancer are reluctant to undergo the suffering and caustic nature of radiation. However, some conventional doctors refuse to participate in the treatment of a patient unless the conventional medical “Standard of Care” is followed. This can leave patients cut-off from traditional medical support when seeking naturopathic oncology. Sunridge Medical physicians welcome working with a patient’s conventional physician but additionally we have an incredible network of some of the best-in-their-class surgeons and radiologists that can support any health protocol a patient chooses.

The Effects of Chemotherapy vs. Natural Chemical Prostate Cancer Treatment

Chemotherapy is like pouring weed killer on a garden. The flowers get as damaged and die right along with the weeds, but then even more resistant weeds find their way to the surface. Chemotherapy attacks every cell in the body. Hair cells stop their ability to hold onto the hair follicle in many chemo treatments because the chemo has attacked a healthy cell. Neuropathy is induced because the chemo attacks healthy nerve cells. Organs such the heart and kidneys can be permanently damaged because chemotherapy indiscriminately attacks healthy cells and cancer cells.

To the contrary several natural chemicals can create a specific programmed cell death (apoptosis) of cancer cells by penetrating the cancer cell membrane. Apoptosis attaches a genetic message for a cell to self-destruct. Omega 3’s, Resveratrol, Vitamin C, pine tree bark and an exhaustive list of morphing substances found in nature can have this miraculous affect, especially when delivered directly into the bloodstream intravenously. It would not be fair to say that alternative cancer therapy is without side effects, but those effects in no way rank in the same caustic category of chemotherapies.

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