Kick-Out Cancer With These 5 Health Defense Strategies

Kick-Out Cancer With These 5 Health Defense Strategies

If you could ask every cancer patient what they wish they had done prior to getting ill, most if not all would say, eat better, exercise more, or take better care of themselves. Ironically, the over taxing of our bodies with stress, lack of sleep, and busy schedules are the reasons why we put off healthy living. Let’s face it, eating healthy isn’t always convenient or time saving. Today, making a conscious effort to avoid toxins and stay healthy is a necessary activity in order to ward off diseases like cancer. Though some of these may be difficult to implement, just doing one of the 5 mentioned below will add a powerful defense against future illness. Pick one, or if you’re really serious pick 2 or more and start a routine today – for a better chance at wellness tomorrow!

1. Hit the Ground Running with a Wellness Therapy!

While there is a good reason I put this as number one there is an even better reason why getting healthy and making lifestyle improvements should start with a wellness therapy. It’s the simple fact that it’s much easier to make improvements to something that is closer to the ultimate goal. Not only will it improve how you feel, it will boost the effectiveness of any other healthy lifestyle changes you decide to implement. Visit a trusted Naturopath for some guidance on the best options for you to hit the ground running towards healthy. After a well-rounded consult and some tests, they can help design a personalized therapy that will benefit you the most. This is undoubtedly the ultimate in cancer defense and overall wellness.

2. Diet – Self Sustained Produce

This includes omitting all canned (metal) goods. If you are growing your own produce this shouldn’t be that hard since the most popular types of canned food are canned vegetables.

By now we all know how much our health is affected by what we eat. But what we may not know is just how difficult it is to avoid toxins at the same time. Organic may be a great option for avoiding pesticides, but even that is of question these days and the reality is you just don’t know. Eating healthy in every aspect of your diet is a pretty tall order requiring loads of research and learning. To simplify and save time I decided to focus on a portion of the diet. It’s the one that’s probably doused with the most cancer causing chemicals – produce. Canned vegetables are equally, maybe even more toxic then their produce counterpart. So where do we turn to avoid consuming cancer-causing chemicals. The best answer is – our own backyards!

For those who are on a budget, self-sustained produce will surely put a few extra dollars in your pocket each month. For that reason alone, this anti-cancer activity could become a popular option for many. By dedicating a small portion of your yard to a vegetable garden ensures a considerable amount of toxins are withheld from consumption. I’m not suggesting you become a farmer and quit your day job. But since most pesticides we ingest probably come from produce, it’s safe to say this will cut a significant portion of toxicity from your diet.

If you don’t eat produce at all, than this one is going to be twice as hard for you. If you live in an apartment or in Antarctica, this could be impossible for you but there are other things you can do to stave off cancer. Self-sustainment however packs a strong punch and gardening just happens to be a great stress reliever, another cancer causing element of our daily lives.

3. Quit Smoking and/or Reduce Sugar Intake

Did I say this was going to be easy? Nope. Unfortunately avoiding cancer in this day and age is not easy. Sacrifices must be made in our habits to avoid becoming the sacrifice. Cancer lurks around every corner. Avoiding it becomes harder and harder especially the longer we wait. Planning for the future means changing the here and now.
The bottom line is, avoiding cancer is going to come with some discomfort but not anywhere near the discomfort you would feel if you got cancer. So make a good decision if you currently are a smoker and avoid becoming part of the rapidly rising number of cancer cases.

Since everyone knows that smoking can cause cancer and the longer you do it the greater your chances – it’s time to put them down and walk away. Sugar on the other hand may be just or even more toxic depending on one’s consumption level. With an eye on the obesity problems in America, sugar is undoubtedly a main culprit. If you like to drink soda and/or eat other sugary foods on a regular basis, you should know that you are creating an ideal environment for cancer within your body. It is a fact that cancer feeds on sugar. Don’t make a comfortable home for Cancer – It’s an unfriendly visitor!

4. Exercise

You knew it was coming. There’s just no way to avoid it so you might as well start doing it. And the sooner the better. This one has a shelf life. Don’t miss out on your chance (and a really good one at that) to earn some cancer-fighting power that will effectively boost your chances of avoiding disease down the road.

Maintaining an exercise routine for some, is the biggest challenge but it’s also the most critical. Working out sporadically here and there will do little in the way of your overall wellness. But if you consider that only 2-3 hours per week is a valuable defense strategy, it really isn’t that demanding. And as long as you can maintain it long term; and by long term I mean forever, you will take cancer defense to a new level!

Here’s the good news. Once you get past the initial torture of dragging your butt to the gym or off the couch, it begins to get easier. Then there are the improvements in your body and mind that begin to inspire you into doing more, until finally you are hooked. Before long you’ll be a celebrity at the local gym by your house.

The only thing you won’t end up liking about exercising is the idea that you didn’t start doing it sooner. Good luck!

5. Minimize Your Stress Levels

And if you want to really put some kick into your cancer fight try adding one of these stress less strategies for warding off illness

  • Meditation (every day for at least 15 minutes per session)
  • Low or High Impact Yoga (if done at least 2 times per week)
  • Group or One on One Therapy – Once per week for an hour
  • Other Stress Reliever – Add your own personalized stress relief strategy.

The key to the success of all health defense strategies is routine. Sticking to a schedule that repeats itself over a long period of time will produce many positive results both for your mind and body.

Disclaimer: None of the above should be taken as medical advice nor will it guarantee your chances of avoiding cancer. These are suggestions only on ways of improving your health long term.

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