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9 Questions to Ask Before Choosing an Alternative Medicine Clinic

9 Questions to Ask Before Choosing an Alternative Medicine Clinic

You’re sick. You’ve tried everything, but nothing seems to work. The doctors you see say they can’t help you anymore, and you feel like the world is against you. It’s not always easy for people who are sick to find an alternative medical center that will help them get better. Here are nine questions that every patient should ask before choosing a healthcare center. Switching to alternative from conventional medicine is a good option for those who want a more natural approach. Chronic conditions can be exhausting to deal with and often, conventional medicine only helps manage or mask uncomfortable symptoms.

Alternative medicine has been proven to be more effective than traditional approaches for the treatment of chronic conditions. And alternative treatments often focus on healing at a deeper level, including physical as well as mental/emotional concerns like stress or anxiety which conventional medicines don’t typically address.  Working with the right holistic healer will help make sure everything is aligned within your physical, mental & spiritual self.  Here are the questions you should ask of an alternative medicine clinic to make sure you are choosing the right one.

1. What Are The Clinic’s Credentials?

Making sure that your new clinic is professional and the physicians are accredited is most important. Alternative medicine is not credentialed in every country or even in every state, so be wary if your doctor received their credentials through home-study programs, or in foreign countries that may not be considered to have sufficient training.  Sunridge Medical’s physicians have been trained at the prestigious Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine which is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission and  the Council on Naturopathic Medical Education; both  recognized by the United States Department of Education.

You can find doctors of alternative medicine in all 50 states. Some states require that they be licensed, but it’s not required by every single one–and there are some who aren’t even fully compliant with US laws! If you’re looking for someone to treat your health issue and don’t live near any qualified physician, considering traveling to a state with accreditation.

2. Is the Cost of Alternative Medicine Covered by Insurance? If Not, How Much Will This Cost Me?

In the absence of conventional medicine, alternative treatments can be a lifeline for many people. Unfortunately, many insurance companies deny coverage to these therapies and even those that are available often have limited benefits or require patients to pay out-of-pocket prices, if their policy covers anything at all.  It can be worth checking with your insurer about coverage and often any cash payments may be submitted against your medical deductible.

In most cases a patient can use funds from HSA and FSA funds to pay for alternative medicine.  A credible alternative medicine clinic will discuss their fees and payment structure with you after your initial consultation and testing.  Often your first consultation will be complimentary.  Be sure to ask what is included in your initial visit and know if it is within your price range.

3. What Conditions Do You Treat in This Clinic?

It is important that you find out if you’re going to a clinic that has experience treating your condition successfully. You must feel confident knowing that the clinic will have all the tools to get your health back on track. It is also important to take note of what types of treatments are available at the clinic.

When you visit the doctor, ask them about their experience with different conditions. You’ll want to know if they’ve treated anything similar in past patients and what kind of approach is taken for treatment.  There is no guarantee with any medical procedure including conventional medicine but at least you are clear on how they plan to help treat your disease.

4. Is There a Doctor Available 24/7?

Depending on the condition you’re trying to treat, you may need a lot of medical attention. You should ask to see if a doctor is on call 24/7 to answer questions or address any health concerns.

If you or a loved one needs frequent or emergency care but also practices alternative medicine, then having these treatments work together in combination may provide more benefits than simply using either separately. Make sure that the team at your alternative medical center can work in collaboration with your conventional medicine doctor or other specialists.

5. How Will I Know If the Treatment Is Working?

Ask the doctor how they plan to measure the success of your treatment.

Other than relying on how you feel as the days pass, will there be blood tests done regularly? Will they collaborate with your primary care physician for checkups?

With more sensitive conditions, such as cancer, it is best to determine how they will monitor your condition and assure that treatment is working.

6. How Will We Proceed If the Treatment Doesn’t Work?

This is not a pessimistic question to ask, but rather an important one for patients and physicians alike.  The question is acritical in conventional medicine and alternative medicine as well.   There is benefit in understanding what each side might do when faced with certain situations like these; it also provides insight into  thought processes after failed interventions or treatments which could help you prepare accordingly.

7. What Has Been the Experience of Your Past Patients?

Ask the alternative medicine clinic if they have had success treating your condition in the past. Alternative medical centers who provide references and reviews add to the credibility of the clinic.

Reputable clinics will provide the experiences of other patients or their contact information for references. This allows you to witness or speak to previous patients and hear their unbiased opinions directly.

8. What Are the Side Effects of This Treatment?

The transition from conventional medicine to alternative medicine can sometimes be challenging. Some people experience negative symptoms, which makes it difficult for them to track and monitor normal vs. abnormal during this adjustment.  The goal should always include symptom monitoring so that you know how your body is responding.

Understanding any side effects whether trivial or significant can help you gauge your progress.  Even though most alternative medicine is considered natural does not mean there won’t be an adjustment period.

9. How Long Will It Take for Me to See Results?

Alternative medicine is often more effective than conventional treatments, but it can take time for the body to heal. Patients should be prepared with their expectations when they start out so that negative thoughts don’t get in the way of the healing process and progress. The time it takes to see results will depend on the treatment type, your condition or complications and other conventional medicine you may continue to receive while undergoing your alternative medicine treatment.

Now You’re Ready to Pick the Best Alternative Medicine Clinic for Your Needs

Choosing an alternative medicine clinic is a very personal choice, so it’s important to ask the right questions. The first step of this process involves doing your research and asking questions. Feeling comfortable with your provider can also be critical to your success so it can be important to trust your intuition.  After all choosing a different approach will encompass your whole being including all your senses.

There are many benefits to alternative medicine, one of them being that it unites all aspects of the self instead of compartmentalizing the body from the mind. It’s no wonder more and more people are choosing alternative medicine over conventional medicine!

Ready to heal your body naturally? Contact us to schedule your appointment today!

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